Complete conformity to Halakha, with the understanding that those who may not totally conform today are still deserving of our respect and assistance.
All Rabbis, whether they are within our community or without, are entitled to Kabod HaRab: a certain level of Rabbinical respect.
Lecturers, teachers, authors of written material distributed within the synagogue and guests of the synagogue are entitled to the same respect.
We stand strongly in favor of secular education beyond high school and recognize the value in creating a Jew who can appreciate all of God's work.
We see God's hand in the establishment of the State of Israel and respect its leaders whether they adhere to Torah or not.
We believe that a Jew should be involved with society around him/her and in doing so sanctify what he/she comes into contact with, rather than avoid society at large. Torah is always paramount but is only fully expressed when it is implemented in the world at large.
We believe that a full Torah life is one which combines Torah learning with misvot and with a livelihood.
We respect the truth from wherever it may come and do not reject people's opinions out of hand, even though we may find their beliefs and lifestyle objectionable.
We respect all community institutions, even those that have philosophies different from our own.
We respect and abide by the laws of this great country, the United States of America. We recognize compliance with all applicable law is in itself a commandment of the Torah and incumbent on us as Jews and citizens.